Brought to you by the Columbus Bar Association through its division, Columbus Bar Services

About Us

About Columbus Find a Lawyer

The Columbus Find a Lawyer website averages well over 2,000 unique visitors per month. Local consumers come to the site to find an attorney or research a legal matter. Because of the Columbus Bar Association connection, consumers trust the information they find on the site.

Your Columbus Find a Lawyer profile can link to your firm's website and drive additional traffic to that site.

Attorney listings are randomized… no subscriber can pay more for better ranking. Every profile listed has the same opportunity to be in the top position. We limit the number of attorneys listed in each category of law.

The cost to list your profile is a flat fee of $160 / month. There are no percentage fees, sign-up fees, cancellation fees or additional costs. No long-term commitment is required.

Join Columbus Find a Lawyer

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Columbus Find a Lawyer is:

  1. 1Online attorney listings, exclusive to Columbus Bar Association members.
  2. 2Focused on connecting consumers with local attorneys.
  3. 3$160 / month, per attorney, for listing up to 2 practice areas, with 3 month minimum contracts.
  4. 4Five pages of attorney information per listing available.
  5. 5Multiple exposures and featured spots for listed attorneys at no additional cost.
  6. 6No visual clutter or outside advertising.
  7. 7A legal tool kit with user-friendly navigation and consumer-friendly information.

Questions or Need Help?

Contact Ken Matejka at, or (415) 513-8736, with questions or requests for help.